With effect from August 2025, I will be no longer accepting large wedding bookings. Instead, I will be concentrating on offering my bridal styling services for small bridal bookings. These bookings may be for Bride only, two Brides or Bride plus one other person
My availability will be limited between March and October
Making you my priority
Small bookings allow me to focus entirely on you
In addition, I will be providing an opportunity for Brides to learn with me. These lessons will be specifically tailored to weddings where the Bride wishes to apply her own makeup on her wedding day or for Brides getting married abroad who want to try out their bridal styling ahead of the big day with an artist unknown to them
These lessons are completely unique to you and your circumstances. Utilising my expert knowledge, you will go into your bridal prep on your wedding day confident and feeling beautiful
You may be wondering why I have decided to refocus my business; recently I have worked alongside Brides with very small wedding parties and it’s been wonderful. It’s reminded me why I love weddings and I’ve enjoyed feeling part of the family
Even if you have a large wedding party, you can still book my services. I’d be delighted to style you for your wedding whilst the rest of the bridal party was styled by another artist
To learn more about these lessons or to check my availability & pricing contact me on info@nataliewillingham.co.uk