your way

This lesson is for you if you would prefer to apply your own makeup on your wedding day or maybe you can’t find a makeup artist whose style feels like you or you simply want calm and privacy

Each lesson is designed with you at the heart of it.  I consider all of the elements of your wedding day that are unique to you; and create a lesson that delivers what you need and more

Prior to the lesson we discuss lighting, workspace, weather, nerves, skills, budget and more and put plans in place to create a lesson that fills you with confidence

On the day of the lesson we create your wedding makeup step by step exactly how you would do it on the day.  By the end of the lesson you will feel able to recreate your bridal makeup with ease and confidence on your wedding day

Your Way is a 3 step process; starting with a consultation where I collate all of the information I need to create your lesson and product list

Step 2 is the lesson itself and Step 3 is a refresher session (this takes place sometime after the lesson) where we go over any techniques you are finding tricky and resolve any concerns you may have

The investment for this package is £350

Bridal Rehearsal

How would you feel going into your bridal styling trial for your destination wedding, confident that you know exactly what you want? Your skin and hair have been prepared, you have photo’s of your look and a list of products and styling notes to share with your artist

Maybe you want to check your chosen bridal makeup and hair to ensure it works perfectly with your dress and accessories

When you book a Destination Wedding Bridal Styling Rehearsal with me; we cover everything from theme, colours, flowers, location, special circumstances and more

I create your unique bridal styling for your wedding day so that you can try your accessories and veil to make sure they are just right. We ensure your styling works with your dress, your venue and any special plans you have for the day

Before you leave your appointment we take photos (and videos if you prefer) of your styling from every angle

After your rehearsal you will receive a full product breakdown (including brands, colours and techniques) for you to send to your destination artist. This will include hair styling notes if required. Also, you will be provided with information to ensure your hair and skin is prepared appropriately for the weather conditions and of course lots of photos

The investment for this package is £250


Detail 3

Mauris egestas at nibh nec finibus. Nulla lectus ante, consequat et ex eget, feugiat tincidunt metus.

Detail 4

Nullam sit amet nisi condimentum erat iaculis auctor. Mauris id fermentum nulla.